
Malika Honey is considered to be the greatest gift nature has bestowed on us. There are far more benefits to  than her sweetness. malika can be used topically for both hair and skin health, as well as internally for both medicinal and spiritual healing. Skin Care Benefits include: Anti Bacterial Properties – Antioxidant Rich – Moisturizing – Soothing – Clarifying – Anti Aging. This sweet golden liquid from the beehive also produces a Glow!

العسل الابيض مع القرفة للسعال

Honey For Cough

honey for cough: white honey with cinnamon.
مقوي جنسي طبيعي العسل الملكي مع الزعفران

White Honey

White honey is (orange blossom honey) energizer: royal honey with saffron.